Homerton Grammar School Hosts an Exuberant Orientation Day

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Faridabad, March 30, 2024 : Homerton Grammar School convened the upcoming session 2024–25 by conducting new parents’ orientation programme. This orientation session served as an opportunity for new parents to gain a comprehensive understanding of our school’s ethos, values, and vision. The session aimed to provide valuable insights into the essence of Homerton’s experience.

This ceremonious day commenced with an auspicious lamp lighting ceremony, which was joined by the early-year learners, symbolizing their zeal to embark on their academic journey with enthusiasm and positivity. The school Principal,          Mr. A.K. Saxena, extended a warm welcome to the gathering and expounded the vision and hallmark of the school. He concluded his enlightening speech with a reminder: “Education is a journey, not the destination.” 

An interactive academic orientationwas delivered by the school Academic Director, Ms. Susan Kaur. She accentuated the school’s ‘Open Door Policy’ and assured that the school aims to establish a transparent communication between the parent and the school which would further benefit the student, she also gave insightful information aboot the philosophy of education at HGS. Thereafter the school Headmistress Ms.NanditaKarayifamiliarised the audience with NEP and its inclusion in the school curriculum. She shared that the purpose of education is to “enable the child to live a happy life.”She beautifully summarised the journey of the early years as a journey of starting as ‘Explorers’, turning into ‘Adventurers’, becoming the ‘Pioneers’ and emerging as ‘Achievers’.

To exhilarate the occasion the students of middle wing students demonstrated the inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the school curriculum through an enlightening skit. The performance of the students was much appreciated by the audience and gave everyone a worthy take away on sustainable development. The Homertonians essence was further spread amongst all through the melodious recital of theHomerton Song.

The event was concluded witha motivating speech by theManaging Director ,Mr.RajtheepSingh. “ Our aim should be to build good humans for the society, who are ready to help, take charge and initiate positive changes.To ensure this, “we as educators and parents must set good examples for our younger ones.” he said.






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