AICRA STEM SUMMIT 2018: A National Summit & Exhibition Took Place In Nation’s Capital

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New Delhi News : AICRA, an All India Council for Robotics & Automation finally presented India’s 1st STEM Summit, which took place in New Delhi at NDMC Convention Centre. The 2018 AICRA STEM Summit is the global, super-ecosystem event, trans-disciplinary in scope. Following the scenario of Robotics Education in India and its Synchronization with industry. The event was graced by the well-known personalities from different fields, which includes Dr. Rajiv Sharma chief guest, scientist Research. He is also the scientist ‘G’ and head of the technology missions division of the department of science and technology, Raj Sharma-president of AICRA, Bhawana Sharma finance head, Charanjeet Kaur Section officer and many others.

Well, The Summit is designed to break down silos, and expand knowledge and forge collaborations, with the overarching collective goal to improve Robotics education in India and an open gate for robotics research and career options. The motive behind the Grand Summit is to celebrate the incredible technical achievements of our nation’s top engineering and science talent.

The AICRA STEM summit provides information on cutting-edge developments in all areas of STEM research from bench to bedside, including the applications, regulations, product development, and the commercialization of STEM cells. The summit comprised of presentations, panels and round-table discussions to highlight robotics education scenario, industries automation process, government regulations and policies on automation implementation and other relevant topics. It’s a lead creation of distinctive futuristic experience, where all participants will collect opportunities, become inspired and flourish.

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